Credit:Lemuriada for Deviantart

Sunday, 30 May 2010


By Christalsm

The MOMA in 2min.

Like running through a museum.
You don't get to see anything. Just a glimpse of beauty.

At the end? Modern art?

Game in a supermarket

By doing no matter what - You become no matter who. Remi Gaillard, 2007

Google created a buzz last week by providing the original version of Pacman on its homepage.
A good opportunity to remember one of the best interpretations of the game ever made.

Game in a lecture hall

The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond - 2007

Creative ad #4

When brains have fun. Fiat, 2010

Creative ad #3

March 2010. The first interactive horror movie. An initiative from the German channel 13th street.
Directors: Jung von Matt and Film Deluxe